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remedial instruction中文是什么意思

用"remedial instruction"造句"remedial instruction"怎么读"remedial instruction" in a sentence


  • 矫正教学


  • Lin , s . j . & su , brenda s . c . ( 2003 ) . do esp college students still need english remedial instruction studies in english language and literature . 9 : 39 - 55
    苏淑贞、林秀芝(民93 ) 。科技校院学生英语发音补救教学需求探讨。技术及职业教育双月刊, 79 , 2 - 7 。教育部技术及职业教育司。
  • In paper [ 4 ] , rule space was used to connect all knowledge states and to draw a knowledge states distribution map , thus we can use this map to direct our remedial instruction . local shortest path strategy was used in paper [ 4 ] for all case , however , we propose several more strategies for best effect in different situations
    文章[ 4 ]提出借助规则空间将不同知识状态联系起来,形成知识状态的空间分布图,以方便实施针对学生的补救措施(指导计划) ,但它制定教学计划时候,只是简单采用局部最短路径。
用"remedial instruction"造句  


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